Our tanned beaver pelts are professionally treated to allow for thicker leather and sewn with heavy gauge thread, resulting in a durable garment that should last a lifetime. That’s what makes our fur making process so special, and it’s precisely why our tanned beaver pelts are such excellent materials.

Beaver Harvesting
Although there are some methods of preventing or reducing wildlife damage that do not involve removal of beaver, the fact remains that the only practical solution to many problems is removing the beaver that are causing it. Beaver are one of the few animals capable of manipulating their environment. Because of their tendency to dam narrow flowages, they often create problems and cause considerable damage by blocking roads, culverts, drainage ditches or streams flowing through pastures. When they dam the outlet of certain lakes, the lake levels may be increased 1 ½ to 2 feet causing flooding of docks, boat houses, the killing of trees adjacent to shore, and the killing of wild rice beds. Trapping remains the single most versatile and effective tool for removing problem beaver. We specialize in utilizing beaver because of the need to regulate the population.
Beaver Populations
The Department of Natural Resources regulates the beaver population and the length of the season available for harvest because beaver are dependent on having adequate food, water, shelter and living space if they are to survive. The ability of the habitat to support animals reaches a low in late winter. At that time, lack of adequate food, shelter or other resources often become a limiting factor, which sets the upper limit on the number of animals that can survive. For example, a marsh may have enough of everything to support 30 beaver in the summer and fall, but in the winter there may be only enough food or deep enough water for 10. That means that the year-around capacity is 10 and that the remaining 20 will die or possibly disperse (move out). However, most of the dispersers will ultimately die.
Fur Armor respects the resource they use in the fur making process. Part of this involves making the most of the catch. Beaver carcasses are sold to sled dog trainers as an excellent supplement to store bought dog food. High school biology teachers also are always looking for carcasses for use as teaching aids in anatomy or taxonomy classes.